Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Being a Dad Who Leads by John MacArthur - 143 Pages

Short, solid, simple. The first part of the book focuses on the direct instruction to fathers from Ephesians 6. From there MacArthur exposites applicable passages from from the Proverbs and I Thessalonians in his straightforward, accessible style. This book, though short, was a great reminder and encouragement to love and lead in a way that reflects my Heavenly Father.

"Ultimately, the Christian husband loves his wife not for what she can do for him, but because of what he desires to do for her"

"If you really love your wife, you're going to hate anything that defiles her."

"It's quite true that saving faith is child-like in the sense that it involves humble, unquestioning trust (Matthew 18:3-4). But faith cannot exist at all where the truth of the gospel is unknown (Romans 10:14). Authentic faith comes with spiritual understanding (I John 5:20). Don't assume your child's earliest signs of interest in Jesus signify full-grown saving faith. I've known countless people who 'invited Jesus into their hearts' as toddlers only to fall away from Christ before faith could come to full fruition. Again, both Ephesians 6:4 and Deuteronomy 6:7 employ expressions that underscore the need for persistence in the nurture and admonition of our children."

"As a father, then, you are the guardian of your children's minds."

"A father is to face life with courage.  He is to believe certain truths and take a stand on them."

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